Catechesis for Children and Adults
Prepare to Celebrate a Sacrament or Become Catholic
Family Catechesis
This is for Baptized children who are preparing to celebrate Confirmation and First Holy Communion. The Diocese of Tyler practices Restored Order. Click HERE to learn more.
Every Wednesday evening, systematic classes are offered for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.
Formal catechesis is only effective if accompanied by the faithful living of the Catholic Faith in the home in its fullness. So as to make this possible, the Cathedral offers formation in the truths of the Catholic Faith for the entire Family. Children and their parents will attend a monthly Sacramental Workshop to emphasize this reality.
Students who are preparing to celebrate a Sacrament, have reached the age of reason (age 7), and have attended at least one year of prior catechesis, will also attend the abovementioned Sacramental Workshops.
Click HERE for full 2024-2025 calendar
Christian Initiation (CI)
Christian Initiation for Children (CIC)
Unbaptized youths, ages 7-17, prepare to celebrate all the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Reconciliation (Confession), Confirmation, and First Eucharist (Communion).
The Process
- Children and their parents will attend Family Catechesis Sessions on Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm.
- In addition to the Wednesday classes, attendance with their parents is required once a month to Sacramental Workshops. See the calendar in FAMILY CATECHESIS
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Adults who have celebrated Baptism in the Catholic Church may prepare to celebrate Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist.
Adults who are not baptized or baptized in another Christian denomination may learn more about the Catholic Faith. No commitment is made to become Catholic by attending the sessions.
Fully initiated Catholics who desire to grow in the Faith are always welcomed.
Sessions in English are held every Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Cathedral Center.
Click HERE for the 2024-2025 Calendar
For more details or to begin this journey, please contact:
Peggy Hammett 903-592-1617 ex 119 or
Click here for Summer RCIA Videos
Click here for 2020-2021 RCIA Videos
Visit the Cathedral Facebook page when class is in session for a livestream of class.