The Way of Beauty with David Clayton

The Way of Beauty – Spirituality for Creatives and Creativity for All on a Spiritual Journey

A presentation by David Clayton, Provost of Pontifex University, celebrated author, prolific artist, and masterful musician.

When an artisan (artist) practices his art well, he is practicing virtue, participating in God’s ongoing creative work, and contributing to a beautiful contemporary culture. That culture, mundane or sacred, is Christian to the degree that it bears the mark of divine beauty.

The traditional formation that might have been given to the great Catholic artists in the past did far more than teach them the skills of their craft. It was a Catholic inculturation and a formation that gave them a deep understanding of the tradition in which they worked. It was designed to develop an appreciation for and a deep understanding of the principles that underlie the beauty of the cosmos and to impart the Christian practices and habits that incline the artist to follow inspiration and order the imagination.

This talk will describe the core principles of such a formation and discuss how they can be applied today to art education at any level and, more broadly, to any human activity so that all of us can contribute gracefully and beautifully to the evangelization of contemporary culture.

The Vision for You: spiritual exercises to discern your personal vocation, order both daily journal and detailed instruction manual. Find out more at


Mar 11 2025


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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