Our Ministries
Serving your Community and Growing in your Faith
"Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it." Colossians 4:17
Art & Environment Committee
Chair: Fr. Hank Lanik
“The very nature of a church demands that it be suited to sacred celebrations, dignified, evincing a noble beauty…it should stand as a sign and symbol of heavenly realities.”
If you are interested in participating in this mission, please contact Fr. Hank.
Finance Council
Chair: Jim Mazzu
This is a committee of parishioners appointed by the Rector to assist with financial decisions for the parish and school. Members should have a strong financial or business background. The council meets once a month with the Rector.
Pastoral Council
Chair: Weegie Chappell
This council acts as the advisory board for the pastor in matters of policy, administration, and the spiritual life of the parish. Council members, comprised of various ministries members of the parish, are elected to serve three year terms. The council meets once a month with the Rector.
Family Life
Mothers in Christ
Coordinator: Ashley Barb
This ministry will provide spiritual nourishment and community for those called into the vocation of motherhood through social events, faith formation, and acts of charitable service to each other and the Cathedral Parish at large. This group is for all ages and stages of motherhood.
Natural Family Planning
Coordinator: Dan & Natalie Herrera
NFP is an umbrella term for certain methods wherein the couple observes the naturally occurring signs of fertile and infertile phases of a woman’s menstrual cycle for the purposes of either achieving or postponing pregnancy. It is a comprehensive acceptance of the divine gift of fertility within marriage.
Teams of Our Lady (T.O.O.L)
Coordinator: Christina & Josh Loeffler
This is an international lay movement in the Catholic Church, designed to enrich marriage spirituality and make good marriages better. Teams provide a proven method of increasing and improving prayer life, which will help couples grow closer to God and each other. At the same time, their family will reap the benefits as well.
Liturgy and Worship
Altar Servers: Adults
Coordinator: Phil Hannaman
Adult men who desire to assist the priest and deacon during Mass and other liturgies. Requirements: Must have completed all sacraments of initiation. Must also complete liturgical training and diocesan ethics and integrity program. Please contact Phil: philhannaman@outlook.com
Altar Servers: Youth
Coordinator: Phil Hannaman
Boys and girls who desire to assist the priest during Mass must be Baptized and have celebrated both First Eucharist and Confirmation. Training will be conducted by Phil Hannaman and scheduling by Lucia Lopez. Please contact Lucia first: llopez@thecathedral.info or 903-592-1617
Altar Society
Coordinator: Annette Findley
This women’s ministry provides for the material needs of the Mass such as hosts, wine, and candles. The ladies keep the church tidy and offer hospitality for various receptions. This ministry meets regularly on the 1st Monday of the month, September-May, and collects yearly dues. For more information, see the bulletin or email Annette: afind1527@gmail.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Coordinator: Lucia Lopez
These ministers are invited by the Rector to assist him in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the Sacred Liturgy. For additional information, contact the current coordinator. llopez@thecathedral.info or or 903-592-1617
Lector: Reader of the Word at Mass
Coordinator: Lucia Lopez
These ministers proclaim the Word of God during the Sacred Liturgy. For more information, contact the current coordinator. llopez@thecathedral.info or or 903-592-1617
Music at the Cathedral
Coordinator: Brian Braquet
The Cathedral choir meets on Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm and sings at the 10am Mass on Sundays and for special occasions. If you would like to join the choir or be considered as a cantor, please contact Brian. bbraquet@thecathedral.info or 903-592-1617
Music at the Chapel of Sts. Peter & Paul
Coordinator: Suzanne Liles
The Chapel Musicians practice on Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, and meet prior to Mass on Sundays at 8:20 and 10:20 AM, and . The 6 PM Mass Ensemble meets at 5 PM on Sundays. If you would like to join Music Ministry or be considered as a cantor, please contact Suzanne. sliles@thecathedral.info or or 903-592-1617
Coordinator: Dutch Schorr
Adult laity who welcome parishioners as they enter the church and help them find a seat, take up the collection, and assist during Offertory. Must complete the diocesan ethics and integrity program. Please contact Lucia first: llopez@thecathedral.info or 903-592-1617
Prayer & Faith Life
Women’s Scripture Study
Coordinator: Melanie Winans
Women meet from 10am-12pm in the Cathedral Center every Tuesday to grow in love for Jesus through Sacred Scripture.
Scripture Study
Coordinator: Ron Pinkenburg
All are welcome to attend 6:30-8:30pm in the Cathedral Center on Tuesdays to grow in love for Jesus through Sacred Scripture.
Eucharistic Adoration at the Chapel of Sts. Peter & Paul
Coordinator: Janet Cox
Devote a holy hour to Jesus in The Most Blessed Sacrament. The Adoration Chapel offers both assigned times and a regular schedule for other visits: Sun 7pm-12am, Mon-Fri 4am-Midnight, Sat 6am-12pm
Kindling the Catholic Faith
Coordinator: Allison Low
Facebook: kindlingthecatholicfaith
This is an online Catholic book club hosted by Facebook. A book is chosen by the online group and then read at home. The online interactions includes written discussions, weekly assignments, and live videos. This ministry hopes to inspire a lively faith by drawing people closer to Christ and His Church. Search for it by name on Facebook.
Legion of Mary
Coordinator: Janice Underwood
This is a worldwide organization of Catholic men and woman who seek union with Mary and imitate her humility and faithfulness in serving Christ and His Church. The Legion of Mary does apostolic and corporal works of mercy by visiting the sick and shut-ins, the sorrowing, or anyone to whom they can be of help. Meetings take place every Friday, 10am-12pm, in the Cathedral Center.
St. Paul Street Evangelization
Coordinator: Allison Low
We are dedicated to preaching the Gospel in a non-confrontational way. We hand out rosaries, holy cards and medals in various public locations. We listen to people, talk to people and often pray with them. We try to be joyful witnesses to the truth and beauty of our Catholic faith.
Young Adult Bible Study
For Young Adults, ages 21-35, every Wednesday! Men meet at the Foundry Coffee House at 6:30pm. Contact Nicholas Vierling 314-403-3084. Women meet at 7pm at Lydia’s house. Contact Lydia Hennigan 940-736-4271.
Sanctity of Life
Gabriel Project
If you are pregnant and need help, please call. All communication is confidential.
Volunteer with Gabriel Project
Contact: Collette Dockery
Jail Ministry
Men’s Coordinator: Pete Mendolia
Women’s Coordinator: Rita Birckbichler
Maria Goretti Network
Coordinator: Peggy Hammett
For all survivors of abuse and family members living with someone who has been abused. Meetings take place on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 7pm in the Cathedral Office.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound
Coordinator: Tammy Michaelson
Contact Tammy if you or someone you know needs to receive Holy Eucharist at home. You may also contact Tammy if you would like to volunteer as a minister to the sick and homebound.
Project Rachel
903-539-2941 call or text
Hope and healing for those suffering from the trauma of abortion.
St. Veronica’s Compassionate Sewers
Coordinator: Denise Rite
Our apostolate is a concrete response to Pope Francis’ call encouraging Catholics to go out to the peripheries and serve. We use cloth to comfort our brothers and sisters. Most who come to our Sewing Days do not know how to sew. Truly, if you can use a pair of scissors, you can be a compassionate sewer.
Works of Mercy
Catholic Charities
Executive Director: Kathy Harry
202 W Front St | Tyler, TX 75702
Catholic Charities-Diocese of Tyler is a servant of the Body of Christ engaged in works of mercy to ease suffering of the poor, the hungry, the naked, the sick, the homeless, the immigrant, the least among us, our brethren in East Texas. In all services and programs of Catholic Charities-Diocese of Tyler, we assist, without discrimination based on race, color, creed, nationality, age, sex, or disability, those in need in the 33 counties of the Diocese of Tyler.
Services offered: hunger relief, disaster relief, immigration legal services, infant safe sleep, GED classes
Mission of Love
Coordinator: Margaret Poepsel and Shawn Pickett
The Tyler Cathedral Mission of Love consists of two volunteer groups 1) one serving both our sister parish in Saltillo, Mexico and Casa Belen Immigrant House in June AND 2) a larger group of Cathedral/Diocesan volunteers serving the poor and marginalized communities in the Dominican Republic in February. Our trifold mission is to serve our brother and sisters in Christ in these communities with medical assistance, building simple homes or repairing and refurbishing tiny mission churches; and Catechetical assistance.
Parish Nurse Ministry (WATCH VIDEO)
Call Catholic Charities: 903-258-9492
Coordinator: Marie Winkelman
This ministry integrates health and faith in a holistic approach to wellness that includes the body, mind, and spirit. They provide education, screenings, and serve as referral source for health related needs. Parish nursing is a ministry that dates back to the early Church when nurses were trained within the auspices of a religious community.
St. Vincent de Paul
President: Sharon Hashim
Executive Director: Ellen Salas
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need. Focused on Spirituality, Friendship and Service, SVdP provides a variety of services to our local and wider community, including a Food Pantry, a Thrift Store, and a Feed My Lambs Community Soup Kitchen.
Feed My Lambs
Coordinator: Kim Coburn
Wednesday: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Cathedral Center
SVdP and the Immaculate Conception Cathedral operate a Community Soup Kitchen that serves a full meal every Wednesday to the hungry of our community.
Food Pantry
Operations Director: Mike Allgaier
410 South College Ave, Tyler, Texas
Tuesday: 8 am to 12 pm AND Thursday: 8 am to 12 pm
The SVdP Food Pantry provides free clothing and a month’s worth of groceries to more than 650 families (almost 3000 individuals) every month.
SVdP Thrift Store
Store Manager: Janet Merchant
500 South Vine Street, Tyler, Texas
The SVdP Thrift Store is staffed by volunteers selling furniture, appliances, electronics, kitchen items, etc. Proceeds from the Store create funds for SVdP to purchase food and provide various services to people in need in our community.
Men and Women Ministries
Altar Society
Coordinator: Eileen Kosnik
This women’s ministry provides for the material needs of the Mass such as hosts, wine, and candles. The ladies keep the church tidy and offer hospitality for various receptions. This ministry meets regularly on the 1st Monday of the month, Sept-May, and collects yearly dues.
Cathedral Young Adults
Coordinator: Lydia Hennigan
Phone:940-736-4271 or Instagram: @cathedralyoungadultsoftyler
This ministry invites young adults ages 21-35 to embark on the vision of “Forming community to form saints.” Our Mission is to “Create a Christ-centered community that provides formation and
integrates young adults into the life of the parish.” Our Core Values are “Theocentricity, Obedience to God and His Church, Charity, Hospitality, Invitational, and ‘Social, Relational, & Emotional Maturity”
Knights of Columbus: Council # 1502
Grand Knight: Chris Campbell www.kofc1502.org
This is an international fraternal benefit society founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity. It is open to Catholic men, 18 and older, who are committed to supporting the parish community while enhancing their faith.
Ladies Auxiliary
Coordinator: Evelyn Schroeder
This ministry is solely comprised of the wives and female family members of the Knights of Columbus. They are dedicated to providing organized assistance to events and supporting the charism of the Knights of Columbus.
Mothers in Christ
Coordinator: Ashley Barb
A group of Catholic women who desire to draw nearer to God and his Church. Our goal is to encourage each other to be better wives, mothers, and daughters of Christ.
Women’s Scripture Study
Coordinator: Melanie Winans
Women meet from 10am-12pm in the Cathedral Center every Tuesday to grow in love for Jesus through Sacred Scripture.
Youth Ministries
Altar Servers: Youth
Coordinator: Phil Hannaman
Boys and girls who desire to assist the priest during Mass must be Baptized and have celebrated both First Eucha-rist and Confirmation.
Immaculate Conception Youth Ministry: ICY
Coordinator: Erin Mone
Facebook: icyyouth
Instagram: icyyouthministry
Our mission is simple; to create authentic disciples in a world desperately in need of Christian role models.
We have nights for middle school and high school youth, focused on Scripture and the Eucharist. We also have social nights and service opportunities to grow a community outside of our weekly meetings! We welcome students of all faiths from all schools.
For middle school students who are 11 years old and older.
Life Teen
For high school students who are under the age of 18.
Troops of St. George
Coordinator: Adam Barb
The Troops of Saint George is a fraternal Catholic nonprofit apostolate for priests, men, and young men looking for a life of adventure coupled with virtue. Initially founded in 2013 by Catholic author and professor Dr. Taylor Marshall. Contact Adam Barb: adam.barb@gmail.com